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Frame Won't Boot / Startup Errors

If a frame has been unplugged while running, or if there has been a power outage or power surge, problems can occur with the display of the frame. It can show as flickering on the screen, as lines going across the screen or it can freeze the display entirely. If your frame has an issue with its screen, please take a look at the troubleshooting steps below.

1. Reboot and unplug the frame: Try to power off the frame from the menu of the screen if possible. Then unplug the power cord for the frame in both ends (from both the frame and from the outlet) for 5 minutes before plugging it back in again.

2. Try Another Power Outlet: Please try to plug the frame into a different power outlet to eliminate the outlet as the potential culprit.

3. Try Another Power Cord: If you own a similar or identical power cord(e.g. from another Frameo device), please try to use that with the frame to see if the cord could be the culprit.

4. Reset Frame: As a last resort, you can try to reset the frame using the small reset hole on the back of the frame. Use a small object (e.g. a toothpick) to push the reset button in the hole. Hold it for 5 seconds before releasing.

Please notice that this will delete all friends, settings, and photos from your frame. If you have a backup of your frame, you can use this to restore the frame afterward.